'The Castle' - Beta Testing
by Freddie Sanders
installation and live simulation game
3x2m screen running real time Unreal Engine environment & game designed by Freddie Sanders
installation and live simulation game
3x2m screen running real time Unreal Engine environment & game designed by Freddie Sanders
Exploring masculinity, facade and hustle culture the game follows a deteriorating medieval knight game. Delving into and deconstructing the process of game design engines like Epic Games 'Unreal Engine', 'The Castle' explores how production informs the final product and how software can inform the creation of in-game interaction and retrospection between asset heavy production. Exposing the facade of the final product with the sensitive touch of the creator and director in this case Freddie Sanders. How can these softwares represent fragility and how can we represent sensitivity and touch with synthetic normally 'perfect' design softwares that are meant for commercial production.
Directed by Freddie Sanders
Unreal Engine and technical production by Freddie Sanders
Sound design and score + Music by Oh2pz